Laboratorio de Bioproductos Farmacéuticos y Cosméticos/Laboratory of Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Bioproducts

The research group focuses on designing, developing, and discovering bioactive compounds that are
potential drug candidates. Therefore, our interests range from the design of new bioactive
 compounds to developing new drug delivery systems.

Encargado de Laboratorio/ Responsible of Laboratory
Dra. Francisca Acevedo Canala-Echevarría

Líneas de investigación

  • Diseño y desarrollo de bioproductos farmacéuticos y cosméticos
  • Diseño de farmacos y química orgánica computacional
Research lines
  • Development of Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Bioproducts
  • Drug Design and Computational Organic Chemistry
Investigadores Principales/ Principal researchers 
Francisca Acevedo Canala-Echevarría, PhD
Alejandro Castro Alvarez, PhD
Daniela Vergara Godoy, PhD
Claudia Sanhueza Sanhueza, PhD
Eulalia Sans Serramitjiana, PhD

Personal Técnico/Technical staff

Gonzalo Bernal Pinto
Gabriela Guajardo Olate

Estudiantes de Doctorado/ PhD students 

Jeyson Hermosilla Gajardo
Dayaimi González Reyes
Felipe Galvez Jirón
Estudiantes Pregrado/ Undergraduate students

Lissette Silva Capriles
Benjamin Vega Maureira
Esteban Soto Sandoval

Colaboradores Científicos/Scientific collaborators

José Villagra Cusevich, MSc (UFRO)
Catalina Chavez Aravena, MSc (UFRO)
Carla Gutierrez Saldivia, MSc (UFRO)
Benjamin Villa Carihual (UFRO)
Daniela Rocha Aniñir (UFRO)
Victor Beltran Varas, PhD (UFRO)
Ivan Valdivia-Gandur, PhD (UFRO)
Francisco Melo Hurtado, PhD (USACH)
Manuel Ignacio Azocar, PhD (USACH)
Michael Seeger Pfeiffer, PhD (UTFSM)
Beatriz Cámara, PhD (UTFSM)
Cristián Salas, PhD (PUC)
Ronald Nelson, PhD (UCN)

Prof. Poncelet Denis (EncapProcess, France)
Prof. Stephan Drusch (TUB, Germany)
Rocío Medina-Morales, PhD (TUB, Germany)
Prof. André Brodkorb (TEAGASC, Irland)
Prof. Paul de Vos (UMCG, The Netherlands)
Jorge Padrão, PhD (Universidad do Minho, Portugal)
Prof. Carmen Alvarez-Alonso (USC, Spain)
Prof. Cristina Manzanares (UB, Spain)
Prof. Miquel Viñas Ciordia (UB, Spain)
Prof. Teresa Vinuesa Aumedes (UB, Spain)
Prof. Olga López (IQAC-CSIC, Spain)
Prof. Jaume Vilarrasa (UB, Spain)
Alicia Lacoma, PhD (IGTP, Barcelona, Spain)
Emigdio Chavez-Angel, PhD (ICN2, Barcelona, Spain)
Jose Domínguez, PhD (IGTP, Barcelona, Spain)
Research Projects
  • Nucleus Milenium NCN2023_054. ANID “Bioproducts, Genomic and Environmental Microbiology BIOGEM”
  • Regular Fondecyt 1230544, ANID “Innovative dual drug loaded nanofibrous coating on titanium based implant toward preventing infection and accelerating osseointegration”
  • Initiation Fondecyt 11240998, ANID “Evaluation of thermosensitive hydrogels containin curcumin-loaded lipid nanocarriers for the topical treatment of psoriasis”
  • Postdoctoral project 3220479, ANID "Development of mannose-functionalized dendrimers for delivery of miRNA-155 within macrophage as a potential treatment for tuberculosis”
  • FOVI230053, ANID “Strengthening knowledge in the development of biogenic selenium nanoparticles functionalized with colistin to combat bacterial resistance”
  • European Union's Horizon 2020, Marie Sklodowska Curie grant No. 872019 “ENCAP4HEALTH”